.. _ref_graphics: Graphics ======== .. autopostdoc:: ansys.fluent.visualization.pyvista.pyvista_objects.Graphics In the following example, a ``Graphics`` object is instantiated with a Fluent session as its context. The ``Graphics`` object is used to create a mesh, contour, vector, and surface. The contour is then deleted. .. code-block:: python from ansys.fluent.visualization.pyvista import Graphics graphics_session = Graphics(session) #Create object mesh1 = graphics_session.Meshes["mesh-1"] contour1 = graphics_session.Contours["contour-1"] vector1 = graphics_session.Vectors["vector-1"] surface1 = graphics_session.Surfaces["surface-1"] pathlines1 = graphics_session.Pathlines["pathlines-1"] #Delete object del graphics_session.Contours["contour-1"] .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: mesh surface contour vector pathlines